Alternative Testing Center (ATC) 

Some students require testing accommodations to ensure they have an equal opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. These accommodations are essential for students with disabilities, as they help remove barriers that might otherwise hinder their performance. We are committed to providing the necessary support and resources to facilitate alternative testing arrangements, ensuring that all students can achieve their academic potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect at the beginning of the semester?  

  • A faculty notification letter (FNL) will be sent to you when a student enrolled in your course requests academic accommodations for the classroom and/or at the ATC.  

  • Faculty must fill out an Alternative Testing Agreement (ATA) for each of their courses where a student has requested accommodations. These must be filled within the first two weeks of the semester. Failure to submit the ATA may result in us contacting your department chair.   

How do I get my exams to the ATC?  

  • Drop off the exam in-person at our office on the second floor of the Washington Building.  

When do I send my exams to the ATC?  

  • Exams must be sent no later than two business days before the exam date by 5:00pm. 

    • If exam date is on Monday, the exam must be sent to the ATC no later than 5:00pm on Thursday.   

  • If a faculty member consistently sends in exams late, the department chair may be contacted.   

How will I get my exams back?  

  • Choose only one of three return methods: email, upload to faculty portal, or hold for pick-up.   

Where do I learn more about Memory Aids?